
Monday, April 29, 2013

iOS 7 Will Come with Flat Design

Posted by ETrade Supply

iOS 7 – the next generation of iOS operating system will be released by Apple at its annual developers event that will be held in June. Although what exactly will be different about the upcoming iOS 7 has been unclear, one source indicates flat design will be highlighted in new iOS 7 to attract more attention.

According to many people who have actually seen Apple’s iOS 7 endeavor, 9to5Mac says “Apple’s making big changes in the look and feel of the software. Specifically changing everything–the new interface is said to be “very, very flat, the interface loses all signs of gloss, shine, and skeuomorphism seen across current and past versions of iOS, the new OS as having a level of “flatness” approaching recent releases of Microsoft’s Windows Phone “Metro” UI”.

In addition, the news said that Apple is finding other ways to access basic information with gestures, just like what it currently uses with a one-finger swipe to bring up Notification Center, and a four-finger swipe on the iPad to pull up the multitasking menu.

News From 9to5Mac

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