
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Apple Put Extra $500 Million in R&D, Compete Samsung?

Posted by ETrade Supply

It’s reported that Apple increased its research and development budget by $500 million in the past six months. The report showed that is an increase by 33 percent in the Q2 of 2013 compared to the same period last year. If so, Apple will spend $4 billion on research and development this year. In the first six months of its fiscal year, Apple has already spent $2.13 billion on R&D, which is extra impressive given that the company only spent $1.6 billion for all of the previous fiscal year. Apple said that the extra spending was “directly related to timely development of new and enhanced products that are central to the Company’s core business strategy. As such, the Company expects to make further investments in R&D to remain competitive.”

Apple Put Extra $500 Million in R&D, Compete Samsung?

As well all know, iOS hasn’t seen any major UI changes in years, and while the iPhone is designed well, that design hasn’t changed much in the past few years except to get longer and a metal back. With such big changes, is the new Apple coming? Or are you expecting a new Apple? Maybe Apple need to invest more to make Apple more competitive to draw back some market lose by Samsung.

Source: arstechnica via phonearena

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